Collins-Skills for the TOEIC Test:Listening with MP3 CD-1片房屋二貸利率-青年創業貸款銀行-沒錢怎麼買房子
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If you feel overwhelmed by the TOEIC test, Collins SKILLS FOR THE TOEIC TEST can help.
By working through Collins SKILLS FOR THE TOEIC TEST you will gain confidence as you practice for the test.
Further features:新竹當舖借錢-青年創業貸款銀行-機車分期條件
?Challenges and Solutions section, helping you to overcome the biggest challenges of the test.
?Review Test sections, offering timed practice for each skill in a simulated test environment.
?(For Listening) MP3 audio CD, with test-style listening practice.
Every unit contains:
?Quick Guide summary, giving you an easy-reference overview of every question type in the test.
?Walk Through explanation, taking you through the test in closer detail
?Get it Right tips and tasks, with practical strategies to help you identify correct answers
?Progressive Practice section, providing step-by-step support for each question type; increasing confidence as you work through the Get Ready, Get Set, and Go for the TOEIC Test practice stages
?Answer Analysis feature, helping you learn to identify and eliminate wrong answers
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作者: HarperCollins , Publishers
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2013/10/14
- 語言:英文
Collins-Skills for the TOEIC Test:Listening with MP3 CD-1片